Small steps. Great distances.℠

Small steps. Great distances.℠

A bunch of steps in the right direction will eventually lead to a gratifying journey down the road to success…

I went to bed thinking about that quote.

Specifically, I thought about the business writing class that I took in college, and how that class taught me I needed to work on being concise.

The quote was too long.

How could it be shortened?

Then, before falling asleep beneath the copy of The Starry Night that hung on the wall, it hit me.

Small steps. Great distances.℠

True Greatness Is Forever:

Normally, I’d get up and write a thought like that down.

Instead, I fell asleep confident that I’d remember it in the morning.

The next day I recorded the original Small steps. Great distances. video.

It was part of a weekly series that I released on Fridays called True Greatness Is Forever.

That was January 17th, 2014.

Three years later I found a purpose in mental health.

Coincidently (or not), it was January 17th, 2017 when I rebranded to Respect Your Gift.

Respect Your Gift.

Small steps. Great distances.℠

You know… Let’s go!℠

I originally used those phrases in content and while mentoring student athletes at the gym.

Now they were an organization, its motto and catchphrase.  

The Process:

In general, Small steps. Great distances.℠ represents the process.

Eventually, I figured out that as it relates to mental health S.S.G.D. represents the process of taking care, and I got there after a series of adjustments.

That’s because adjustments are part of every process.

Keep going.

Small steps. Great distances.


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