What’s Your Medicine?

For me, running is medicine.

One of the reasons why is because running can produce a runner’s high.

A runner’s high is a relaxing state of joy following intense, lengthy exercise.

Research to understand this process is ongoing but one thing we already know is that our bodies produces chemicals.

And some of those chemicals are known as “happy chemicals”.

Here’s more good news…

We Have Resources:

Circumstances matter and so does our ability to influence them.

How do we access the happiness chemicals?

We access the happiness chemicals with the active pursuit of good health.

What is the active pursuit of good health?

The active pursuit of good health is known as wellness.

And wellness is how we take care of our mental health.

The happiness chemicals are resources and so are the things that produce the happiness chemicals. For example, running.

Respect Your Gift.

Big Pharma Robin Hood:

Steve Jobs said, “The six best doctors in the world are sunlight, rest, exercise, diet, self-confidence and friends.”

First, the best thing about being capable is that we have the ability to prove that we’re capable.

A.B.C. – Accomplishments Build Confidence.

Following through with the things that help us be well are a series of accomplishments that build confidence.

Second, doctors prescribe medicine. And the “doctors” that Jobs is referring to prescribe medicine in the form of chemicals our bodies naturally produce. 

Yes, pharmaceuticals are medicine, but medicine is more than pharmaceutics.

Medicine should be thought of as the constructive things (mind, body, spirit) that help us be well.

Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin & Endorphins:

DOSE is an acronym from Brian Keith.

The meme below is from @TheFitnessTutorUK.

D.O.S.E. or D.O.E.S.

I prefer DOSE, but one thing that wellness DOES is it helps us take care of our mental health.

Small steps. Great distances.℠

You know… Let’s go!℠


DOSE - Respect Your Gift


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